Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Just ME!!!!!!!!!!!

One more of my Creations

I am fed up of the ever ready smile
That I had to wear on my face
To avoid my problems being
Noticed by people in case

I want to leave aside my maturity
And Let the child in me take control
Let me just forget my trouble
And just be carefree at least once.

I m tried of being a patient listener
Let me speak my heart out
At least for once, let me feel
I too am a human

I have hidden the real me
And have always shed silent tears
I want to stop this disguise
And just be the fragile person I am

The stupid jokes, silly behaviour of other
Do pierce my heart and leave their wounds
Why should I keep on forgiving them without?
Letting them know what they did.

Why should I act always mature and sensible?
Can’t I be innocent and dependent?
But where can I get a shoulder to cry on
And who will allow me to be “JUST ME “


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its really meaningful poem. Good Deepa.

11:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

very touching

12:49 AM  
Blogger Rock8ter said...

Hi I have a poem with same Name luckily... :)

Nice poem... I appreciate ur deepness with it.

8:26 AM  

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